Membership categories range from Students pursuing hotel careers to chief executives whether in public or private employment, own business or in consultancy with an extension to training institutions that offer courses and programs for the hotel industry.
1. Honorary (HAHPK)
Captains of the industry who have served in the positions of Managing Directors, Owners, Chief Executive Officers, General Managers, Managers and consultants and have upheld and maintained the integrity and reputation of the industry and have since retired or still inactive.
2. Fellow Member (FAHPK)
Once you have become a member of Association of Hotel Professionals -Kenya (MAHPK), your next major milestone in your professional journey and in the hierarchy of AHPK membership is to become a Fellow (FAHPK).
A Fellow Member is a captain of the industry who has served in the positions of Managing Director, Investor, Chief Executive Officer, General Manager, Manager and consultant and has upheld and maintained the integrity and reputation of the industry, retired or still in active service.
He/she should have impacted heavily on the promotion of the values and dignity of the professional through personal and shared inputs that is worthy benchmarking.
Fellowship of the Association of Hotel Professional – Kenya (AHPK) recognizes the importance and expertise of the most senior members of hotel & hospitality industry.
a) The applicant must have been a member of AHPK for at least 5 years b) The applicant must have at least a High School Level (O Level or A Level), c) The applicant must have at least a Certificate Course in hotel/food production/service/front office/tourism & travel 1-2 years d) The applicant must have at least 14 years of uninterrupted service e) Membership of trade & professional bodies & associations f) Membership of social, sports & golf clubs3. Full Member (MAHPK)
Practicing Chief Executive Officers, Managing Directors, General Managers, Chief Officers, Unit Managers and Consultants with reputable career progression and who meets the academic and professional training benchmark of the association.
4. Associate Member (AAHPK)
Companies that do business with the hotel industry, including training institutions and industry suppliers subject to meeting vetting criteria.
5. Student (SAHPK)
Students undertaking AHPK accredited programs of study in hospitality and tourism as a future career in recognized institution
All memberships will be subjected to the laid down vetting criterion by the training & membership committee that shall be preceded by a résumé (CV) for individual professionals and by a business profile for corporate and training institutions, that will determine if they meet the benchmark set for the various membership categories and approved by the executive committee. Payments for membership shall only commence after the required approval has been communicated to the applicant/institution in writing by the secretary quoting the reference of the minute that supports the approval.
Kindly Note
Certification certificate issured for members are valid for 1 year.