Professional Relationships

Member of the AHPK recognize that from time to time they will be working with other professional hospitality consultants as well as those from other disciplines and that it is necessary to adhere to certain standards of conduct in order to maximize the benefits to clients as well as to maintain the professional relationships within the profession.

  1. Members recognize their responsibility to the profession to share with their colleagues the general body of knowledge and nonproprietary approaches they use in serving clients.
  2. Members referring another consultant to a client will not misrepresent the qualifications of the other consultant nor will they make any commitments for the other consultant. Members receiving a referral from another will ensure that no misrepresentations or commitments have been made.
  3. When engaged by a client to review the work of another consultant who is a member of this Association, members will exercise objectivity and integrity in all technical and advisory conclusions communicated to a client.

Information About Us

We are a professional body with membership drawn from key individuals in the Hotel industry. It is registered under the Societies Act, with the aim to lobby and secure its members rightful place and offer a voice for professionals who are both active in service, retired or in consultancy with an extension to reach out and consider individuals from institutions of higher learning preparing undergraduates to join the industry.

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