- The Chairman
- The Vice Chairman
- The Secretary
- The Assistant Secretary
- The Treasurer
- Shall be fully paid up members elected at the annual general meeting
- Shall hold office from the date of election until the succeeding annual general meeting
- Office bearer automatically cease to hold office if she/he ceases to be a member
- Shall, unless prevented by illness or other sufficient cause, preside over all meetings
- Shall also act as the spokesman and eligible to cast an extra vote in case votes tie.
- Shall perform any duties of the Chairman in his absence or any functions delegated to him by the Chairman.
- Shall deal with all the correspondences. In case of urgent matters where the committee cannot be consulted,
- Shall consult the Chairman or the Vice Chairman for matters beyond him.
- Shall be responsible for keeping minutes and preserve of all records of proceedings
- Shall perform all the duties of the secretary or any other duties as shall be assigned by the secretary or committee
- Shall receive and disburse all moneys
- Shall issue receipts for all moneys handled
- Have unlimited access and receive information to ascertain that proper books of account are maintained and available for inspection.