Relationships with Clients

A member of the AHPK must not accept any assignment or engage in any practice involving a violation of the law, this Code or the member’s specific ethical responsibilities. A member must immediately withdraw from any assignment if such a violation is identified.

A. General Responsibilities

  1. Members shall, before accepting an engagement, confer with the client or prospective client in sufficient detail and gather sufficient facts to gain an understanding of the perceived issues, the objectives to be achieved, the scope of assistance needed and the possible benefits that may accrue to the client.
  2. Members shall hold as strictly confidential, all information concerning the affairs of the client/employer that is gathered during the course of a professional engagement except when the client/employer has released such information.
  3. Members shall advise the client of any significant reservations they have regarding anticipated benefits of an engagement. They shall not accept an engagement in which they cannot perceive a client benefit.
  4. Members shall not promise any benefit that is not within their control to deliver to other employees or clients.

B. Independence, Objectivity, and Integrity

  1. Members shall assume an independent position with the client, making certain that advice to clients is based on impartial consideration of all pertinent facts and responsible opinions. Members shall not knowingly present a misleading report.
  2. Members shall not accept any assignment involving a conflict of interest and must withdraw from an assignment when an unavoidable conflict of interest arises after the assignment has been accepted unless such conflict is fully disclosed in writing to all parties and all parties agree that the assignment may be accepted or continued.
  3. Members shall not knowingly accept any assignment in which the member is called upon solely to lend professional reputation or signature to misleading predetermined opinions or positions.
  4. Members shall not accept any assignment which precludes or limits the ability to develop factual and supportable opinions, findings or conclusions. If the client requests the scope of the assignment to be limited (to the extent that the consultant may not be able to consider all relevant factors), then these limitations must be communicated in writing and agreed upon by the client before accepting the assignment.
  5. Members shall not be the medium of payments made on his employer’s behalf unless so requested by his/her employer, nor shall he, in connection with work on which he/she is employed, place contracts or orders except with authority of or on behalf of his/her employer.
  6. Members shall be guilty of improper conduct if convicted by a competent tribunal of a criminal or civil offence which, in the option of the Disciplinary Committee of AHPK established under the Bye-laws, renders a member unfit for AHPK.

Information About Us

We are a professional body with membership drawn from key individuals in the Hotel industry. It is registered under the Societies Act, with the aim to lobby and secure its members rightful place and offer a voice for professionals who are both active in service, retired or in consultancy with an extension to reach out and consider individuals from institutions of higher learning preparing undergraduates to join the industry.

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