Who We Are

The Association of Hotel Professionals-Kenya is a professional body, whose membership is drawn from key individual professionals and practitioners in the Hotel industry. It is registered under the Societies Act, with the aim to regulate, lobby and secure its members rightful place and offer a voice for professionals who are both active in service, retired or in consultancy with an extension to reach out and consider institutions of higher learning preparing undergraduates to join the industry, which has been acknowledged globally as the fastest growing industry and a major contributor to employment and sustainable economic & social development. It also advocates for high end service delivery to help raise the standards of hospitality offering establishments and training institutions to international standards and project the region as a tourism destination of choice.

The Association Registration

The association is registered under the name “ASSOCIATION OF HOTEL PROFESSIONALS- KENYA” (In this constitution referred to as “the society” and abbreviated as AHPK) that was registered vide certificate number 48570 dated 16 September 2016 by the office of the Registrar General. This followed the issuance of a letter of NO OBJECTION from the office of the Director General, Tourism Regulatory Authority dated 5th June 2015 under reference TRA/1/14/(222)

Association Advocacy

AHPK works to develop, advance and implement the objectives of the Hotel industry and works with government agencies at regional, national and county levels that include the tourism regulatory authority through lobbying, policy development, communications, grassroots advocacy and harmonizing the various programs developed and advanced by the respective county governments and other tourism promotion agencies, training institutions and Hospitality establishments. The association will seek collaboration with existing industry associations and corporate boards, such as KTF, KCTA, KATO, KATA, KAHC, TF, KTB, KUC, TF, TFC, and KWS among others including other organization that shares common goals.

Information About Us

We are a professional body with membership drawn from key individuals in the Hotel industry. It is registered under the Societies Act, with the aim to lobby and secure its members rightful place and offer a voice for professionals who are both active in service, retired or in consultancy with an extension to reach out and consider individuals from institutions of higher learning preparing undergraduates to join the industry.

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